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Having a birthday party?
Why not book your party with us? Our tables can accommodate small or large parties!
The fun begins when the lights come on and the DJ plays your favourite tunes!
Price Includes:
- Admission and Skate Rental For Each Guest
- 2 slices of Pizza and Pop for each guest
Reservation & deposit required. 10 person minium.
Super Skater
Party Package
price includes
- Admission
- Roller skate or roller blade rental (if needed)
- 10 tokens for each guest
- Pizza and Pop for each guest
- 3 hours of skating (1.45 hour table time)
- Fireworks candles)
- One 2-for-1 coupon for each quest (for later use)
Birthday child receives:
- Free admission and skate rental pass (for later use)
- 1 Glow Product (Up to $5 Value)
- 500 tickets for birthday child
Reservation & deposit required. 10 person minium.
Price Includes:
- Admission
- Roller skate or roller blade rental (if needed)
- Pizza and Pop for each guest
- Private 2 hour session
- Decroative paper products
- A fun & friendly host to assist your party
- Birthday guest receives Free Glow Product (up to $20 value)
Reservation & deposit required.
Click HERE to download our brochure for further details