Groves Performing Arts Company

Welcome to the website for the Groves Performing Arts Company and Boosters.
This site is primarily for members of the organization and provides critical information on activities and scheduling for the 2009-2010 year.
Please click on the various tabs to learn more about the organization. Also, see the "Documents" tab for important, downloadable information on dates, schedules, requirements, etc.
Here's a bit of information on our organization:
The Groves Performing Arts Company is an elective program of the Wylie E. Groves High School Theatre Department. Under the direction of John W. Rutherford, students participate in classes, productions, competitions and other theatre-related programs throughout the school year. The GPAC has achieved numerous awards for its various performances to include first place overall in the 2008 Musical Theatre Competition of American held in Los Angeles. Director Rutherford was awarded the prestigious Governor's Arts Educator award in November 2007. The GPAC is a member of the International Thespian Society and hosts the Michigan High School Thespian Showcase annually.
The GPAC Boosters is a volunteer organization that performs various functions in support of the GPAC, to include: coordinating the volunteer help for programs and productions, raising funds to ensure the quality of the theatre program and advocating for the theatre arts program in the school and community. Everyone is invited to join the GPAC Boosters. Annual dues are $25. Meetings are held monthly at 7:00 on the first Monday in room B4.
2009-2010 Booster Board
*Co-Presidents Candi Sherman and Debra Concannon
*Vice President - Laurie Farr
*Treasurer - Patty Whitney
*Recording Secretary - Maria Nahigian
*Corresponding Secretary - Amy McVeigh
*Members-at-Large - Rosemary Corey, Laura Sherwood and Michelle Kozlow
2009-2010 Student ITS Board
*President - Ally Rupe and Daniel Sherwood
*Vice President - Hillary Sussman
*Treasurer - Kerry Concannon
*Secretary - Partick Moran
*Historian - Megan Concannon
ITS State Board Student Representatives
*David Farr
*Ally Rupe
*Patrick Moran