As the City of Tallahassee considers local businesses to be a vital part of the success of our community, we want to continue to encourage your participation in City procurement activities. Prior to the implementation of the City's Local Business Certification Program, the City's Local Preference Ordinance No. 99-O-0059AA allowed City departments to grant a 5% preference to local businesses in making purchases whenever the application of such a preference is reasonable in light of the dollar-value of proposals received in relation to such expenditures. Effective November 10, 2012, this ordinance was reinstated. Please click on the link below to review this ordinance and how it will be applied to various City purchases and contracting opportunities.
It is the policy of the City of Tallahassee that minority, women and small business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of work related to the City's activities. Questions related to how to become a certified MBE vendor with the City of Tallahassee please contact the City's MBE Office at (850) 891-6500 or visit their website for more information.
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