The City's first draft Economic Development Master Plan was adopted by the City Commission in May 2013. The purpose of this plan is to offer a framework for discussing options and strategies available to the City as we seek to achieve a stable source of revenues with which to support the core services that we provide to the community. The importance of stabilizing and improving our revenues has grown, particularly for sustaining the General Fund as it pays for Fire/Rescue, Sheriff's services, Parks & Recreation, the Library, Planning & Development and other key services.

Downtown Dunedin is also the place for numerous events and parades such as Mardi Gras, Dunedin Wines the Blues, Antiques Fair, Friday Night Films in Pioneer Park, Arts and Crafts Festivals and Old Fashioned Christmas. Downtown is also home to the popular Dunedin Downtown Market on Fridays and Saturdays. Thousands of people come to downtown to see a parade, watch a band or take in an outdoor black and white classic movie like Dracula.

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